IG live interview: Jordan Occasionally

Can’t get enough of Jordan Occasionally? Say less! In the aftermath of our very FIRST IG live interview hosted by our own Khalia Horton, we figured you wanted more. Keep scrolling for more Jordan Occasionally content!


Many of you are probably wondering, what’s the story behind the name? When Jordan Occasionally was younger, they answered to “JD”. Born out of random name generator attempts, “Jordan Occasionally” was the name that caught on!

I can be JD sometimes, and Jordan other times.
— Jordan Occasionally on their artist name

Listen to Jordan Occasionally:

Music is a time capsule.
— Jordan Occasionally
Find your community. If you can’t find your community, start one!
— Advice for independent artists from Jordan Occasionally

Some of you may recognize Jordan Occasionally from tiktok! Fun fact, they utilize and dedicate every platform t0 their art and activism.

If you can draw a picture for yourself, you can draw the picture for others.
— Jordan Occasionally on the importance of knowing your vision

10 songs they have on repeat:


Follow Jordan Occasionally:



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