Denise Julia talks butterflies and her New album

The last time I spoke to Denise, she was celebrating the success of her hit single NVMD. Fast forward a few months later and Denise is already a music sensation in her hometown in the Philippines.

Straight after her interview with Finessed Media she was called to do another interview which would see her propel herself to nationwide fame when she decided to do an interview with CNN Philippines

Not long after Denise would then go on to perform at festivals and grow her fan base even more. It was starting to become clear that Denise was in fact the real deal. The early Ariana Grande comparisons seemed so distant as Denise Julia stepped into her own as an artist towards the back end of 2022 and early 2023.

Her last release titled Butterflies saw her trend on Twitter and even more people became aware of her musical abilities. Despite the success of releases like NVMD , Pity Ya and Superficial energy Denise admits to not wanting her career to takeoff has quickly as it did. “With the way my career went I feel like I missed a few steps in the ladder” she adds.

However, she remains grateful that she could experience the moment and is ready to release her debut album. “I am excited about my album and cannot wait for fans to hear it” she explains.

In the song Butterflies Denise's voice is hauntingly beautiful and her lyrics are incredibly poignant. The raw emotion that she conveys through this song is undeniable.

When I first heard this song I was immediately struck by how beautifully raw it was. The way the lyrics and the music blended was stunning and it was hard not to get caught up in the powerful emotions that it evoked.

Denise’s vocal delivery is just flawless and incredibly powerful; you can tell how much passion she has for music and how much effort she puts into every performance

I've always enjoyed listening to Denise Juila. Her voice is amazing and she has an incredible stage presence. She has an amazing way with words and it shows in the emotional depth that she brings to her music. This song is so captivating and incredibly moving. It's easy to see why it's one of her biggest hits so far.

This song is incredibly catchy and will instantly get stuck in your head after hearing it just once. It showcases how powerful a voice Denise has and how well she can convey the emotions she's feeling through her lyrics.

For more on Denise Julia and her next album read our interview below:

This interview has been lightly edited for the purpose of clarity and context.

Daniel Young: A lot has happened since we last spoke, how has life been lately?

Denise Julia: Yes, I don’t know if you noticed but I moved into a different place now. I got a place of my own and I have been performing a lot at different shows and international festivals even which is crazy to me. In terms of music, I released two songs since the last time we spoke. It is a lot.

Daniel Young: You did shows very recently; can you explain to me how that process was like? Did you learn anything about yourself?

Denise Julia: Well, it’s been a blessing of course but I’m still getting use to meeting different people and the schedule of being an actual performer. Before I would just be making songs and releasing them but now, I need to interact with people face to face. Overall, it has been great I have learnt a lot of things along the way.

Daniel Young: Talk to me about your latest single, how happy are you that its finally out for your fans to listen to? I know that your fans have been hyping it online.

Denise Julia: Just like my previous releases, I was waiting to see the response of my fans. It went trending in my country which was a first for me! I wasn’t expecting that the release of Butterflies would be so well accepted. They have been waiting for it so now that its out they can finally enjoy it. I am happy that they are enjoying the song.

Daniel Young: How would you describe your relationship with your fans?

Denise Julia: My relationship with my fans is very progressive. Since I am still independent, and I don’t have that backing of a label my fans are very important to me. When it comes to promotion, I don’t even have to do it, my fans do it for me I think that is such a bonus. They really do love my craft so much and I can feel it.

Daniel Young: Butterflies is finally released… What are you expecting from this release?

Denise Julia: What am I expecting? When I put out something I don’t have any expectations, whatever happens, happens.

Daniel Young: Can you talk to me about the recording process of Butterflies? How did that go?

Denise Julia: Honestly, I wasn’t supposed to release this track in fact I was thinking of releasing a full album. When I teased the song on TikTok my fans went crazy. Once I saw that I thought that this might be perfect song to set the mood for my album. That is kind of how it came to be.

Daniel Young: Would you say that this is your most complete song so far? Is it your best song that you’ve written so far?

Denise Julia: The song for one has its own character. As for my best written song I would say that it is not my best written song. I think that one of my pervious releases called this time is my best written song. I have a greater emotional attachment to this time, and I think that is what separates it from the rest of my releases. Because of the beat and vibe, I would say that Butterflies is in my top 3 releases.

Daniel Young: What does the future look like for Denise Julia?

Denise Julia: I can’t spill too much… I am going to have a lot of shows outside of the country. This March I will be doing my first show out in the West like I said I can’t spill too much. I will be having a few collaborations with a few international artists as well and they are women.

Daniel Young: What have you learnt about yourself up until now that you weren’t aware of?

Denise Julia: I learnt a lot. Where do I start? I think that I leant to expect the unexpected for me. I am at a point where I find the most joy when I am creating. The fulfilment doesn’t come from the feedback of people or the result of a song. I look at success as the mere fact that I can create. When I finish a song or when I write something, and I hear the result that is where my most joy comes from. Before I would find validation in what people would say about my music and now, I find validation by if I like a song that I make.

Daniel Young: Is your career progressing how you have planned it so far?

Denise Julia: Yes, better than what I could have imagined. From my single NVMD and the success that it got I don’t think I was really prepared. I didn’t embrace what was going on and I didn’t appreciate the moment. Now I am taking a step back and really being present in the moment. After the release of NVMD it was a restart for me, honestly, I didn’t like that it was such a big hit at an early stage in my career. Don’t get me wrong I am thankful for that moment but right now I am enjoying it more because the people who listen to my currently releases are more bonded to it and appreciate the songs more compared to those who just listen to my songs once off. I always wanted to slowly build my audience and not let it skyrocket too quickly. The pace that it is currently going I am happy with it.

Daniel Young: Can we expect an album this year? To me it seems that you are ready to drop one!

Denise Julia: Yes of course there will be an album this year. Like I said I was supposed to release it already so the album itself is ready. I am just sorting out small details and waiting for that perfect moment to drop it. I am very excited for the album.

Daniel Young: Will the album be like the singles we’ve been getting, or will it be more personal?

Denise Julia: I think just like every other artist who writes their own music, the songs are based off personal experience. The album is not what you listen to if you are in a healthy stable relationship!! It is what you would listen to if you are single, and you are out there exploring things. The lyrics and the meaning of the album are for the single people out there! (If you are in a healthy relationship please do listen to the album for vibes)



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